Saturday, March 31, 2012

1940 Federal Census Release

Word was received this morning by Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies that the imagines for the Kansas census would be among the first five states to be uploaded. That means that indexing can begin either late Monday or early Tuesday. If you haven't already singed up please go immediately to and create an account, list Kansas as your favorite state to index, then download the free software that will be used for indexing. In your profile select Kansas Council of Genealogical Societies as your group.

Indexing is quit simple and can be done in the comfort of your own home, day or night. You can do as much or as little as you desire and no one will say anything regarding your choices. The index you submit will be proof read by a second individual and even a third if necessary. If you can't read the hand writing you simply send that image back stating it is unreadable.

1 comment:

Tom G said...

How to find the 1940 Census records you're interested in? Follow the easy steps at