Thursday, October 18, 2012

MHGS Scanning Project

Scanning Your Photos for Family and Gifts, Sat. Nov. 3 & Dec. 1, 9am - 3:30pm, Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N. Main, Wichita.  A perfect holiday gift idea, photos will be scanned in "jpeg" format.  Bring a flash drive (preferred) or blank CD for the scanned photos, or purchase a CD from MHGS for $1.
     Cost:  15 cents for 300 dpi; 25 cents for 600 dpi for MHGS members; 20 cents 300 dpi; 30 cents for 600 dpi for non-members.  Limited to 15 minutes per person; approx. 250 4x6 picts at 300 dpi can be made in this time.  Allow more time for larger photos.
      For appointment or more information:  316-264-3611 or visit the website at 
     Pictures/Polaroids only (no negatives, slides, tin-types or other media); remove from albums/envelopes; copyrighted photos not allowed; present in order you wish scanned on your media.Sizes:  3x3 - 8x12 accepted.

Sumner County Historical & Genealogical Center

The Sumner County Historical and Genealogical Center will be closed after October 16, 2012 due to ongoing renovations at the Memorial Auditorium. And to also prepare for moving to our new rooms.  We hope to reopen by December 1, 2012. We will still accept research requests via email and postal mail, but it may be some time before you will receive a reply.