Thursday, October 18, 2012

MHGS Scanning Project

Scanning Your Photos for Family and Gifts, Sat. Nov. 3 & Dec. 1, 9am - 3:30pm, Midwest Historical & Genealogical Society Library, 1203 N. Main, Wichita.  A perfect holiday gift idea, photos will be scanned in "jpeg" format.  Bring a flash drive (preferred) or blank CD for the scanned photos, or purchase a CD from MHGS for $1.
     Cost:  15 cents for 300 dpi; 25 cents for 600 dpi for MHGS members; 20 cents 300 dpi; 30 cents for 600 dpi for non-members.  Limited to 15 minutes per person; approx. 250 4x6 picts at 300 dpi can be made in this time.  Allow more time for larger photos.
      For appointment or more information:  316-264-3611 or visit the website at 
     Pictures/Polaroids only (no negatives, slides, tin-types or other media); remove from albums/envelopes; copyrighted photos not allowed; present in order you wish scanned on your media.Sizes:  3x3 - 8x12 accepted.

1 comment:

Jim (Hidden Genealogy Nuggets Blog) said...

What a great opportunity for the community to be able to digitize their photos. It's also a great for the society to make a little more money in order to support and preserve the heritage. I belong to two local historcial societies here in CT and think that would be great here asw well. Good Luck.

Regards, Jim
Hidden Genealogy Nuggets